Class ResolvedResource

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class ResolvedResource
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements ResolverResourceInfo
    A resolved resource represents a successfully resolved resource.

    While the XMLCatalogResolver interface simply maps from request parameters to URIs, the resolver interfaces defined by SAX, DOM, etc. expect open streams to be returned. This abstract class provides the information necessary to support those APIs.

    The "local" URI is always the URI returned by catalog resolution. The "resolved" URI is almost always the same. They can be different when catalog resolution returns a jar: or classpath: URI. Those schemes are not supported by the URI class in a useful way. This will cause problems if the document returned contains relative URI references. Consider this XSLT stylesheet:

    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
     <xsl:import href="module.xsl"/>

    Suppose that it is referenced with the URI and the catalog contains this matching entry:

    <uri name=""

    (An explicit classpath: URI is not the only way for this to arise, if the URI was simply relative to the catalog and the catalog happened to be found with a jar: or classpath: URI, that would have the same effect.)

    If classpath:xsl/style.xsl is returned as the resolved URI, the XSLT processor will attempt to resolve module.xsl against that as the base URI. If this is done with just the resolve() method on URI, it won’t work. URI doesn’t recognize classpath: as a relative URI scheme. The situation is even worse with jar: URIs which have a syntax that is possibly not even sanctioned by the relevant RFCs.

    In this case, the resolver might choose to return as the resolved URI. The XSLT processor will then form as the URI of the module and, if the catalog author provided an entry for that as well, processing can continue with all of the URIs resolved locally.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ResolvedResource

        public ResolvedResource()
    • Method Detail

      • getResolvedURI

        public abstract getResolvedURI()
        The resolved URI.

        This is the URI that should be reported as the resolved URI.

        Specified by:
        getResolvedURI in interface ResolverResourceInfo
        The resolved URI.
      • getLocalURI

        public abstract getLocalURI()
        The local URI.

        This is the URI that was used to retrieve the resource (to open the input stream). This is usually, but not necessarily always, the same as the resolved URI.

        The local URI.
      • getInputStream

        public abstract getInputStream()
        The input stream.

        This is the input stream containing the resolved resource. This may return null, in which case it is the application's responsibily to access the resource through its resolved URI.

        The input stream that will return the content of the resolved resource.
      • getContentType

        public abstract java.lang.String getContentType()
        The content type of the resource.

        If the resolver knows the content type of the resource (for example application/xml), it will be provided here.

        The content type, possibly null.
      • getStatusCode

        public int getStatusCode()
        The status code.

        This is the status code for this resource. For http: requests, it should be the code returned. For other resource types, it defaults to 200 for convenience.

        Specified by:
        getStatusCode in interface ResolverResourceInfo
        The status code of the (final) request.
      • getHeaders

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<java.lang.String>> getHeaders()
        The headers.

        This is the set of headers returned for the resolved resource. This may be empty, for example, if the URI was a file: URI. The headers are returned unchanged from the URLConnection, so accessing them has to consider the case-insensitive nature of header names.

        Specified by:
        getHeaders in interface ResolverResourceInfo
        The headers associated with a resource.