Class XmlLoader

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class XmlLoader
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements CatalogLoader
    An XML catalog loader.

    This loader understands the XML Catalogs 1.1 specification XML catalog syntax.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean getArchivedCatalogs()
      Return whether archived catalogs are allowed.
      org.xml.sax.EntityResolver getEntityResolver()
      Return the entity resolver used when loading catalogs.
      static Resolver getLoaderResolver()  
      boolean getPreferPublic()
      Return the current "prefer public" status.
      org.xmlresolver.catalog.entry.EntryCatalog loadCatalog​( catalog)
      Load the specified catalog.
      org.xmlresolver.catalog.entry.EntryCatalog loadCatalog​( catalog, org.xml.sax.InputSource source)
      Load the specified catalog from a given input source.
      org.xmlresolver.catalog.entry.EntryCatalog loadCatalog​( catalog, org.xmlresolver.utils.SaxProducer producer)
      Load the specified catalog by sending events to the ContentHandler.
      void setArchivedCatalogs​(boolean allow)
      Allow archived catalogs on the catalog path.
      void setEntityResolver​(org.xml.sax.EntityResolver resolver)
      Set the entity resolver used when loading catalogs.
      void setPreferPublic​(boolean prefer)
      Set the default "prefer public" status for this catalog.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • setPreferPublic

        public void setPreferPublic​(boolean prefer)
        Set the default "prefer public" status for this catalog.
        Specified by:
        setPreferPublic in interface CatalogLoader
        prefer - True if public identifiers are to be preferred.
      • getPreferPublic

        public boolean getPreferPublic()
        Return the current "prefer public" status.
        Specified by:
        getPreferPublic in interface CatalogLoader
        The current "prefer public" status of this catalog loader.
      • setArchivedCatalogs

        public void setArchivedCatalogs​(boolean allow)
        Description copied from interface: CatalogLoader
        Allow archived catalogs on the catalog path.

        If allowed, then ZIP files may be specified as catalogs. The loader will return the catalog associated with the /catalog.xml or /org/xmlresolver/catalog.xml within the ZIP file.

        Specified by:
        setArchivedCatalogs in interface CatalogLoader
        allow - True if archived catalogs are to be allowed.
      • getArchivedCatalogs

        public boolean getArchivedCatalogs()
        Description copied from interface: CatalogLoader
        Return whether archived catalogs are allowed.
        Specified by:
        getArchivedCatalogs in interface CatalogLoader
        True if archived catalogs are allowed.
      • setEntityResolver

        public void setEntityResolver​(org.xml.sax.EntityResolver resolver)
        Description copied from interface: CatalogLoader
        Set the entity resolver used when loading catalogs.

        When the resolver loads a catalog, it can't use itself as the entity resolver because that would cause an infinite loop. Instead, it uses this resolver. The only entities that this resolver needs to be able to handle are the ones used in document type declarations for the catalogs themselves.

        Specified by:
        setEntityResolver in interface CatalogLoader
        resolver - the resolver
      • getEntityResolver

        public org.xml.sax.EntityResolver getEntityResolver()
        Description copied from interface: CatalogLoader
        Return the entity resolver used when loading catalogs.
        Specified by:
        getEntityResolver in interface CatalogLoader
        resolver the resolver
      • getLoaderResolver

        public static Resolver getLoaderResolver()
      • loadCatalog

        public org.xmlresolver.catalog.entry.EntryCatalog loadCatalog​( catalog)
        Description copied from interface: CatalogLoader
        Load the specified catalog.

        The manager maintains a set of the catalogs that it has loaded. If an attempt is made to load a catalog twice, the previously loaded catalog is returned.

        Specified by:
        loadCatalog in interface CatalogLoader
        catalog - The catalog URI.
        The parsed catalog.
      • loadCatalog

        public org.xmlresolver.catalog.entry.EntryCatalog loadCatalog​( catalog,
                                                                      org.xml.sax.InputSource source)
        Load the specified catalog from a given input source.

        This method exists so that a catalog can be loaded even if it doesn't have a URI that can be dereferenced. It must still have a URI.

        The manager maintains a set of the catalogs that it has loaded. If an attempt is made to load a catalog twice, the previously loaded catalog is returned.

        Specified by:
        loadCatalog in interface CatalogLoader
        catalog - The catalog URI.
        source - The input source.
        The parsed catalog.
      • loadCatalog

        public org.xmlresolver.catalog.entry.EntryCatalog loadCatalog​( catalog,
                                                                      org.xmlresolver.utils.SaxProducer producer)
        Load the specified catalog by sending events to the ContentHandler.

        This method exists so that a catalog can be loaded even if it doesn't have a URI that can be dereferenced. It must still have a URI because relative URIs in the catalog will be resolved against it. (If all of the URIs in the catalog are absolute, the catalog URI is irrelevant.)

        To use this approach, you must both add the catalog to the resolver and then explicitly load the catalog:

        For example:

           XMLResolverConfiguration config = new XMLResolverConfiguration();
           CatalogManager manager = config.getFeature(ResolverFeature.CATALOG_MANAGER);
           URI caturi = URI.create("");
           SaxProducer producer = new CatalogProducer();
           manager.loadCatalog(caturi, producer);

        If you don't add the catalog to the resolver, it won't be used. If you don't explicitly load the catalog, the resolver will try to dereference the URI the first time it needs the catalog. The manager maintains a set of the catalogs that it has loaded so it won't attempt to load a catalog twice, the previously loaded catalog will be used.

        Specified by:
        loadCatalog in interface CatalogLoader
        catalog - The catalog URI.
        producer - The producer that delivers SAX events to the handlers.
        The parsed catalog.