Package org.xmlresolver

The XML (Catalog) Resolver.

The resolver maps external identifiers (document type declarations and external parsed entities) and URIs found in XML documents to other resources. This implementation supports additional interfaces to perform redirection through RDDL documents and automated caching of resources retrieved from the web.


Instantiate an XMLResolver (it has a zero argument constructor so that it can be instantiated just from its name). Use the methods provided on the XMLResolver to instantiate the resolver interfaces that you require.

Tell your processor to instantiate a ResolvingXMLReader for parsing.

L;OS (long; only skimmed)

For most users, the principle entry points to this API will be the XMLResolver class and the ResolvingXMLReader. These instantiate a resolver that can be configured with either system properties or a properties file.

The XMLResolver has methods to construct a wide variety of resolver interfaces:

The ResolvingXMLReader class extends the SAX parser so that it will automatically construct and use a resolver.

Accessing the resolver

The resolver is configured with a ResolverConfiguration, more specifically in this release, an XMLResolverConfiguration. This class allows you to configure features of the resolver.